Ezio Rosato, PhD
Ezio is a geneticist and molecular biologist with over 20 years of research experience in institutions in Italy and the UK. He is also passionate about communicating science to the general public.
Women with Endometriosis Undergoing Surgery Often Require Further Treatment
Recurrence of endometriosis is common even in women who underwent surgery, a new study confirmed. This suggests that women with endometriosis should be closely followed up even after treatment with surgery. For the study published online in the Journal of Women's Health, the authors “mined” the Truven Health Market Scan claims database, a real-world database for healthcare research and analytics, to anonymously identify women with endometriosis who underwent surgery and whose medical records were available for a period of at…
Lay SummaryNew Molecular Targets for the Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain
The study identifies potential new targets for alleviating chronic pelvic pain that afflicts many women with endometriosis. A new study published in the scientific journal Redox Biology shows that molecules called microRNAs could be a potential new target to combat endometriosis-associated pain. The idea of the study came from the knowledge that the peritoneal fluid (PF) of women with endometriosis contains many molecules that can cause inflammation and pain. The peritoneal fluid is the liquid that surrounds our organs in…
Lay SummaryIncreased Oxidative Stress in Endometriosis may Be Linked to Higher Risk of Ovarian Cancer
In the study that was published in the scientific journal Translational Oncogenomics, a group of researchers led by Dr. Hariyono Winarto from the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta identified increased oxidative stress as one of the causes that might explain the higher incidence of endometriosis-associated ovarian cancers. The normal process of respiration in our cells creates reactive oxygen species (ROS) in every organ and tissue. ROS are very reactive molecules that can damage the components of our cells such as lipids…
Lay SummaryLaparoscopic Hysterectomy as Effective as Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, Study Suggests
Laparoscopic hysterectomy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used to remove the uterus, results in similar rates of disease-free survival among women with stage 1 endometrial cancer as the standard abdominal hysterectomy, showed a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Stage 1 endometrial cancer is usually treated with total abdominal hysterectomy, an open operation that involves the removal of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and lymph nodes. However, the operation can lead to complications and…
Lay Summary