Karime Kalil Machado
Dr. Machado is a medical oncologist, graduated from the medical school the University of São Paulo, and trained through internal medicine and clinical Oncology fellowship at São Paulo, Brazil. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow at The Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and a member of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Female Reproductive Cancer, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Patient-completed or symptom-based screening tools for endometriosis: a scoping review.
Endometriosis affects approximately 10% of women in reproductive age. Its clinical presentation is variable, and symptoms, such as chronic pelvic pain, may overlap with those of other benign conditions, making differential diagnosis challenging. Therefore, a patient-completed screening questionnaire could potentially facilitate the recognition of endometriosis-related symptoms, reducing diagnostic delays. The aim of this literature review was to identify and evaluate existing screening questionnaires and/ or symptom-based predictive models which could be potentially used as screening tools for endometriosis in adult women.…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis doubles the risk of sexual dysfunction
Women with endometriosis are more than two times as likely to present sexual dysfunction as compared to women without the disease, according to a study published in Gynecologic Endocrinology. In this study conducted by researchers from the University of São Paulo School of Medicine in São Paulo, Brazil, more than 1000 women were recruited from a general gynecologic clinic and assessed for sexual function and anxiety/ depression with the Female Sexual Quotient tool and the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventory,…
Lay Summary