Ectopic Pregnancy Risk Factors
Mar 23, 2018
This German study identified various factors, including a history of endometriosis, that increase a woman's risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Key Points
- This study, conducted in Germany, hopes to elucidate the risk factors for ectopic pregnancies.
- Ectopic pregnancies can adversely affect a woman’s emotional and mental health. Thus, it is imperative that the condition is prevented.
What’s done here?
- The study consisted of pregnant women with and without ectopic pregnancies. These women came from 262 gynecological practices.
- The researchers considered many demographic and clinical variables.
- Demographic variables include age and health insurance type.
- Clinical variables include previous diagnoses.
- A multivariate logistic regression model was used to understand how the aforementioned variables affect ones’ risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Key results:
- The participants in the study included 3,003 women with ectopic pregnancy and 97,194 women without ectopic pregnancy.
- Older women (age cohorts 36-40 and 41-45) were at higher risk for ectopic pregnancy than younger women (age cohort 31-35).
- A previous ectopic pregnancy also increases one’s risk for recurring ectopic pregnancy.
- 10 gynecological diseases and conditions were associated with increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. These diseases and conditions include prior genital surgery and endometriosis.
- Women with psychiatric disorders are also at increased risk for ectopic pregnancies.
Limitations of the study:
- The study relied on database information which is limited by the validity and completeness of the data itself.
Lay Summary
Jacob, Kalder, and Kostev recently published an article titled “Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy in Germany: a retrospective study of 100,197 patients” in German Medical Science. The retrospective German study hoped to elucidate the risk factors for ectopic pregnancies.
The participants of the study included 3,003 women with ectopic pregnancy and 97,194 women without ectopic pregnancy. The researchers found these participants in the databases of 262 different gynecological practices. The participants were analyzed for various clinical and demographic variables. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine the aforementioned variables effects on ectopic pregnancy risk.
The researchers found many factors that increase one’s risk of ectopic pregnancy. Older women are at increased risk for ectopic pregnancies. Women who have had previous ectopic pregnancies are at increased risk for ectopic pregnancies. 10 different gynecological diseases and conditions, including endometriosis and prior genital surgery, increase one’s risk of ectopic pregnancies. Psychiatric disorders also increase one’s risk of ectopic pregnancies.
Research Source:
Ectopic Pregnancy genital surgery endometriosis Psychiatric disorders