Increasing awareness of the scientific community on nano-particles for endometriosis.
Dec 20, 2023
Are we approaching to "nano-revolution" in endometriosis ?
Key Points
- Nanoparticles seem to have potential in enhancing conventional therapies and imaging modalities in detecting and treating various medical problems.
- Several scientific reports have revealed that nanoparticles could be helpful also in treating endometriosis in laboratory animals.
- The increasing theranostic application of nanoproducts, and the combination of phototherapy and nanotechnology may yield new horizons for endometriosis.
What’s done here:
- This is a review paper providing update on nanomedicine in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.
- Current paper also shows how the combination of photothermal therapy with nanotechnology could revolutinize management of this condition.
Key results:
- In spite of the fact that nanomedicine for endometriosis has been considered recently, there are great expectations both in doctors and patients for a more effective management of this medical issue.
- Further scientific studies are needed to clarify the exact role of nanotechnology in theranostic applications in endometriosis management.
Lay Summary
Academicians from various disciplines from multiple Italian institutions have published their review on the possible role of nanotechology to deal with the management of endometriosis in a recent issue of scientific periodical Nanoscale.
Nanotechnology is the science and engineering where nanoscale phenomena occur, and currently attracts widespread enthusiasm in the medical arena.
This enthusiasm originates from the fact that, nanoparticles seem to have potential in enhancing conventional therapies and imaging modalities for both detection and treatment of various medical remedies.
There are scientific papers revealing that nanoparticles have important aspects in experimentally induced endometriosis. Similar to cancer nanotechnology, nanoparticles with different chemical compositions (organic, inorganic and carbon-based) were used in animal models for both diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis. The authors summarize all these experimental designs in an informative chart.
Besides, photo thermal therapy-nanomaterials combinatorial therapeutic approaches have been promising. The intriguing physiopathological similarities between cancer and endometriosis have raised the question whether nanoparticle based photo thermal therapy could represent an ideal therapeutic strategy for endometriosis?
Although nanomedicine for endometriosis has been a very recent topic it seems to be a promising horizon for more effective management of endometriosis.However, more scientific research should be carried on to clarify the exact role of nanotechnology in theranostic applications in endometriosis management.
Research Source:
nanoparticles endometriosis theranostics nano technology