Pain Catastrophizing Associated With Pain Disability in Endometeiosis
Healthcare professionals should evaluate the effects of endometriosis using a biopsychosocial framework.
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Exploring the Impact of NNMT Enzyme on Endometriosis
Alterations in Migration and Invasion Pathways May Drive Enzymatic Overexpression in Endometriosis Development
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Impact of Menstrual Cycle on Cognitive Function in Midlife Women
Menstrual irregularities can cause the impairment of cognitive functions.
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Unique features of endometrial cells in endometriosis
New findings supportive of endometriosis to be an invasive disorder
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Study Sheds Light on How Parabens and Benzophenones May Be Linked to Endometriosis
Paraben and benzophenone exposure may alter the expression of genes associated with the development and progression of endometriosis.
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Impact of appropriate surgery on endometriosis-related infertility
Each year of untreated endometriosis-related infertility reduces the chance of pregnancy by 2.2-27%.
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Childhood Adversity Associated With Increased Risk of Endometriosis and Fibroids
Physical and sexual abuse during childhood seems to be associated with a higher risk of endometriosis and fibroids later in life.
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The Dysregulated IL-23/TH17 Axis in Endometriosis Pathophysiology
The Dysregulated IL-23/TH17 Axis in Endometriosis
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