microRNA signatures as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for peritoneal endometriosis
MiRNA signatures derived from the saliva may help to diagnose early endometriosis
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Study Sheds Light on Molecular Mechanism of Endometriosis Development
CADM2 may inhibit the development of endometriosis.
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Recommendations of experts on transvaginal ultrasonography
Transvaginal ultrasonography is the most valuable non-invasive clinical step in endometriosis
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Any link between endometriosis and neonatal uterine bleeding?
Evidence to prove the association between neonatal uterine bleeding and premenarchial endometriosis is not yet sufficient.
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Endometriosis and mental health disorders: How associated are they?
Large cohort study shows the increased rate of psychopathologies in patients with endometriosis
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Dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls and the quality of life
Pain during menstruation results in abstinence from work or school among adolescents.
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Endometrial cancer risk in endometriosis: What does the real-world data reveal?
Real-world data study sheds light on endometriosis-endometrial cancer connection
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A concerning link between endometriosis and cardiovascular disease.
Adequate evidence on this link will be especially important for young female patients with endometriosis.
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