Does endometrioma alter the fecundity in mice?

Endometriosis does have adverse impact on fecundity indicators including the pregnancy rate and the pregnancy period, especially for the first pregnancy.

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Women's willingness to donate menstrual blood for endometriosis research

Menstrual blood is an easily accesible body fluid without an invasive procedure.

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Stem cells may open new horizons in various gynecological disorders

Endometriosis pathogenesis also could be linked to stem cells

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Self-Compassion May Help Cope With Endometriosis

More research is needed to understand the potential role of self-compassion better.

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Postoperative pain-related quality of life for patiens with different types of endometriosis surgery.

Postoperative pain improvement occurs regardless of the type of surgery, study found.

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Fact or fiction: prescribing medicinal cannabioids in endometriosis patients in Australia

Australian study has revealed important issues in cannabioid use in endometriosis

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Study Sheds Light on the Molecular Mechanism of Endometriosis Lesion Formation

Researchers found that a protein called NOD1 is overproduced by ectopic cells.

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Is there any relationship between age at diagnosis and the severity of endometriosis?

Increasing age at diagnosis of endometriosis does not affect the severity of the disease and the size of the endometriotic nodules.

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