Serum AMH Levels Play an Important Role In Fertility Preservation

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) can be used as a biomarker to determine follicle density and subsequently ovarian reserve in a woman inflicted with endometriosis who wishes to pursue fertility preservation.

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Symptomatology and Surgical Perspective of Scar Endometriosis

Scar endometriosis: symptomatology and surgical perspective

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Characteristics and location of extrapelvic endometriosis

Out of 1000 women with endometriosis, 200 presented extrapelvic endometriosis with gastrointestinal tract being the most common location of endometriotic implants.

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Endometriosis and Psychological Health: Butterflies from Deep Wounds

This Italian study focuses on the individual factors associated with endometriosis that can adversely impact psychological health.

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Endometriosis increases the risk of miscarriage

Comparison of endometriosis-affected pregnant women to disease-free pregnant women revealed that the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is increased by almost 80% in women with endometriosis.

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Breast Feeding Can Reduce the Risk of Endometriosis

Research shows that breast feeding can decrease an individual's risk of endometriosis through a variety of mechanisms including postpartum amenorrhea.

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Updates in the Field of Endometriosis: Epigenetics

Research has shown that epigenetic alterations can cause or worsen endometriosis.

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