Ultrasound Ablation to Treat Endometriosis

High-intensity focused ultrasound as an ablation technique to treat endometriosis

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MPO not a Good Biomarker for Endometriosis, Research Suggests

A biomarker is a molecule naturally occurring in the body, which can be an indicator of health or disease.

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New Molecular Targets for the Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain

The study identifies potential new targets for alleviating chronic pelvic pain that afflicts many women with endometriosis.

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Women with Endometriosis May Require Additional Care During Pregnancy and Labour

The researchers compared the pregnancy outcome of these women with the pregnancy outcome of 300 women who were not diagnosed with endometriosis.

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Immune substances in peritoneal fluid for endometriosis diagnosis and armamentarium

There is a pattern of cytokine alterations that can be used to understand endometriosis pathogenesis and device diagnostic or therapeutic tools.

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Characteristics of Ovarian Endometriotic Cysts Could Help Determine Whether Endometrioma Will Reoccur

They found that there were statistically significant differences between patients in whom endometrioma reoccurred and those for whom it did not in terms of age, thickness of fibrosis, and depth of penetration of endometrial tissue into the cyst wall.

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Metabolomic profiling and biochemical evaluation of the follicular fluid of endometriosis patients.

Metabolism products of our body, called metabolites; can be used to derive useful information to identify disease-related markers such as endometriosis, study suggest.

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Genetic Variations May Link Risk of Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer

Identifying genetic risk factors that are common to the two diseases might help scientists better understand the molecular events associated with the development of both diseases, and potentially develop treatments that could treat both diseases.

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