Is Your Surgeon Stressed?
Surgeons experience more stress than they anticipate during endometriosis surgery, study finds.
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Endometriosis and the risk of breast cancer
A large-scale German study proved no relationship between endometriosis and developing breast cancer.
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A herbal product has promising results in experimental endometriosis
Neroli oil from the flowers of Citrus aurantium may be a potential remedy for endometriosis !
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Analysis of steroid hormone receptors in endometriotic tissues reveals chaotic results
A sophisticated research on sterid receptors in endometriotic tissues
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The effect of medical treatment on sexual function and quality of life in women with endometriosis
While hormonal medical treatment may be successful to relieve chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia in endometriosis patients, it has a significant negative impact on quality of life and sexual health.
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Family history of endometriosis and its characteristics
Clinical characteristics of the disease differ in women with a family history.
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Study Finds Link Between Exposure to Pollutants and Increased Riks of Endometriosis
There may be a link between exposure to pollutants and the risk of endometriosis.
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"Ovarian Reserve Markers" in Peritoneal Endometriosis
Anti-Mullerian hormone and antral follicular count are not altered in peritoneal endometriosis, study found.
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