The Importance of "uterine adenogenesis" in endometriosis development

Review study sheds light on the latest findings on different mechanisms in endometriosis pathogenesis

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No increased risk of major postoperative complications in women operated by experienced surgeons in endometriosis centers

The need for repeat surgery is a common phenomenon in the patient journey of women with endometriosis

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The overlap of endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome

Endometriosis patients seem to be at an increased risk of having polycystic ovarian syndrome, study shows

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Hazardous substances in pollution and relationship with endometriosis.

Harmful substances in the environment pose a threat to human health.

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Clinical Trial Tested Safety of Potential New Drug to Manage Endometriosis

The drug candidate of a non-peptide gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist had a good safety profile in clinical trial.

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Endometriosis and breast cancer- love or hate?

GWAS studies of endometriosis show a decreased risk of breast cancer risk.

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Robotic Surgery Not Linked With More Complications in Certain Cases

Robotic surgery to treat certain types of endometriosis is not linked with increased risk of complications, a new study found.

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