GP Records May Hold Information About Possible Endometriosis in Adolescents
Study documents for the first time symptoms suggestive of possible endometriosis in adolescents in GP records.
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Menstrual Health & Endometriosis Education Increases the Awareness in Students
Attitudes regarding menstrual health and endometriosis can be improved with education among adolescents.
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Personalized Surgical Strategies for Bowel Endometriosis to Enhance Patient Outcomes
Tailored surgery enhances outcomes for bowel endometriosis patients
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A new pathogenetic hypothesis of endometriosis
Corpus luteum bleeding could be the reason for the origin of deep endometriosis and endometriomas.
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Conventional Laparoscopy as Good as Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy
There seems to be no difference in outcomes between women with deep infiltrating endometriosis treated with conventional and robotic-assisted laparoscopy.
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Nanotechnology for endometriosis
It is time for benefiting from nanotechnology in endometriosis patients
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Why we should prefer nerve-sparing surgery in deep endometriosis?
This technique provides a healing effect on voiding dysfunction, dyschezia, and sexual functions.
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The most influential adverse effects of endometriosis
Unresolved phenomena in endometriosis : Maternal morbidity and infertilty
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