Laparoscopic port site complications.
Dr. Semm performed the first laparoscopic surgery in September 1980 at the University of Kiel, marking a significant milestone. Following 1985, laparoscopy expanded beyond urogynecology into various medical fields, becoming widely accepted for interventions in multiple anatomical spaces. In recent…
Key Points Lay SummaryAdverse pregnancy outcomes and endometriosis.
Inflammation plays a big role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis with the release of inflammatory cytokines, angiogenic imbalance, and oxidative stress. These pathways are also common features of severe maternal morbidity. Severe maternal morbidity is life-threatening, causing cardiac and renal…
Key Points Lay SummaryAnalogous pathways of peritoneal tumor wound healing and endometriosis.
Endometriosis, diagnosed around 10-15% of women population in their reproductive period, is a chronically progressive inflammatory disease to cause peritoneal lesions while spreading into the abdominal cavity. The pathophysiology of the adhesions between the peritoneum and pelvic organs can be…
Key Points Lay Summary