Antibiotic therapy for endometriosis
Current treatments for endometriosis are surgery and hormone therapy; however, these approaches may have significant side effects and do not prevent a recurrence. Therefore, alternative treatment modalities for endometriosis is needed. Recently, the idea that endometriosis may be influenced by…
Key Points Lay SummaryCould Endometriosis Be Caused by Bacteria?
A new concept called the bacterial contamination hypothesis in endometriosis has been proposed for the first time by researchers in Japan. This means that new potential therapies approaches could exist for this condition in addition to the conventional estrogen-suppressing therapies.…
Key Points Lay SummarySymptoms of Endometriosis May Be Partly Caused by an Infection and Be Treated with Antibiotics
Women with endometriosis are more frequently diagnosed with chronic endometritis compared to other women found a study published in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility. According to the authors, this finding suggests that although no causal relationship between these two…
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