Endometriosis and mental health disorders: How associated are they?
As with any chronic condition, endometriosis does not only present with physiological problems. The association between endometriosis and mental health issues has been widely studied and it is now known that these patients undergo depression, anxiety, and even bipolar disorder…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis and Insomnia
There should be more awareness among clinicians for the relationship between insomnia and endometriosis, the study suggests. There needs to be a suspect of endometriosis whenever the clinician faces women of reproductive age with sleep or insomnia-related symptoms. This symptom is…
Key Points Lay SummaryAre endometriosis patients at higher risk of bipolar disorder?
Endometriosis patients are prone to develop certain psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety, as well as bipolar disorder, according to a nationwide population-based cohort study from Taiwan. Bipolar disorder formerly called manic-depression is a chronic mental disorder characterized by unusual changes…
Key Points Lay SummaryAn overlooked symptom of endometriosis: Fatigue
A majority of endometriosis patients experience fatigue. This is according to a multicenter study conducted by a group of researchers from Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Fatigue, and feeling spoonie, may be a symptom of endometriosis affecting the daily activities and…
Key Points Lay SummaryAre there contributing factors to the co-presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Endometriosis?
Recently, there has been an association between the presence of endometriosis and increased visceral and pressure hypersensitivity, chronic pelvic pain, and other pain and mood disorders. IBS is a functional bowel disorder that is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain or…
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