Recommendations of experts on transvaginal ultrasonography

Recommendations of experts on transvaginal ultrasonography By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Following June 2022, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound composed of a panel of 16 experts in imaging and management of endometriosis, the recommendations have been published in a recent issue of Radiology. Transvaginal sonography is accepted as a first-line…

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Asia-Pacific: Expert panel's suggestions for improving endometriosis-related health issues

Asia-Pacific: Expert panel's suggestions for improving endometriosis-related health issues By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

"Endometriosis should be diagnosed as early as possible for the sake of the patients" and the Asia-Pacific Endometriosis Expert Panel sought to address the reasons for diagnostic delays in this part of the world and published a consensus report in…

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Time for noninvasive serum markers for endometriosis diagnosis

Time for noninvasive serum markers for endometriosis diagnosis By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Dr. Onur Guralp and associates from Germany and Turkey published their results on serum markers predicting endometriosis in the "Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology".   Still, in 21st-century medicine, doctors can not diagnose endometriosis using biochemical serum markers. Proposed serum markers…

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