Robotic Assisted Laparoscopy Not Better Than Standard Laparoscopy

Literature review suggests that the procedure should only be used within controlled studies for the treatment of endometriosis.

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Immune Response in Endometriosis and Regulatory T cells

Understanding Immune Response in Endometriosis by examining regulatory T cells - A systematic review

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How Endometriosis Affects a Partner

Endometriosis can impact many aspects of a partner's life and it is crucial that changes be made in health care to acknowledge and lessen that impact.

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Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis, Surgery and Fertility

Women with deep infiltrating endometriosis should consult an expert endometriosis team to determine whether or not surgery is the best option for combating infertility.

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The Unresolved Link Between Sexual Dysfunction and Endometriosis

More often than not, Women with Endometriosis find it difficult to engage in sexual relations.

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T-Cell Dysfunction May Worsen Endometriosis

Regulatory T cell dysfunction linked to the development of endometriosis-like lesions

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The Endometrium Itself is Genetically Different in Endometriosis Patients

A comprehensive, but preliminary insight for understanding how endometriosis occurs

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