This study shows the increased effectiveness of combination therapy, namely telmisartan -an anti-hypertensive-, with parecoxib -an anti-inflammatory-, in the treatment of endometriotic lesions.
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Endometriosis is associated with lean body size during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; tall total adult height; and tall sitting height, found researchers.
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The protein encoded by ZEB1 gene (Zinc finger E-box-Binding homeobox) may be a potential indicator of invasive endometriosis.
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This study aimed to evaluate endometriosis in adolescent girls and women to assess the clinical characteristics or risk factors associated with developing endometriosis earlier or later in life.
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Estrogen, that is known to be associated with endometriosis is not enough to cause the disease according to new research.
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Resveratrol could potentially be a treatment option for individuals who have endometriosis.
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Several studies suggest that endometriosis patients suffer from anxiety and depression. Treatment of these psychiatric comorbidities should be taken into consideration when treating endometriosis symptoms in these patients.
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A cell surface protein and an early activation marker, EWI-2 gene expression is downregulated in patients with endometriosis compared to those without.
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