Endometriosis micrometastasis may explain the broad spectrum of non-pelvic symptoms experienced by women with endometriosis, such as nonpelvic pain, fatigue, malaise, eating disorders, anthropometric variation, endocrine and metabolic dysfunction, immunologic defects, and sociopsychological issues that impair their quality of life
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The results showed that 99 women who became pregnant using fresh embryo transfer miscarried (corresponding to 16.8% of all 588 women) while 489 women (83.2%) gave birth to a baby.
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“Single cells from both endometrium and decidua (the name given to the endometrium during pregnancy) can generate a fully functional organoid,” the researchers wrote.
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An experimental rat model was developed for the first time to study human colon endometriosis
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The time from the symptoms first appearing to women first being seen by a physician was also shorter among women who sought medical care due to symptoms rather than as a result of routine care.
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Blood clotting, tissue repair, and inflammation are important aspects that can all be related to platelets driven endometriosis pathogenesis. Since platelets can often release many factors during tissue repair processes, it is difficult to pin down exactly the mechanisms of…
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Recurrence of endometriosis is common even in women who underwent surgery, a new study confirmed. This suggests that women with endometriosis should be closely followed up even after treatment with surgery.
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