Mutations Associated with Cancer Were Identified in "Endometriosis without Cancer"

This discovery can help scientists better understand how endometriosis develops, clarify the differences between different subtypes, and may lead to better treatments in the future.

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Unexpected "cancer-related" mutations in "non-cancerous" endometriosis: Do they predict aggressiveness?

A collaborative study supported by Endometriosis Foundation of America, have identified the molecular alterations of deep infiltrating endometriosis trough a wide protein coding genetic-alphabet order study. Molecular alterations, specifically cancer-related gene mutations, have been identified.

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Does laparoscopic excision or laparoscopic ablation offer the best long-term pain relief from endometriosis?

Does laparoscopic excision or laparoscopic ablation offer the best long-term pain relief from endometriosis- A Meta-analysis

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Hypoxia induces molecular pathways favoring survival of endometriosis

Hypoxia is a condition characterized by low levels of oxygen that typically occurs in endometriotic lesions; hypoxia induces intracellular pathways that favor the survival of endometriosis.

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Ultrasound Ablation to Treat Endometriosis

High-intensity focused ultrasound as an ablation technique to treat endometriosis

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MPO not a Good Biomarker for Endometriosis, Research Suggests

A biomarker is a molecule naturally occurring in the body, which can be an indicator of health or disease.

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New Molecular Targets for the Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain

The study identifies potential new targets for alleviating chronic pelvic pain that afflicts many women with endometriosis.

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Women with Endometriosis May Require Additional Care During Pregnancy and Labour

The researchers compared the pregnancy outcome of these women with the pregnancy outcome of 300 women who were not diagnosed with endometriosis.

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