Spontaneous Conception After Deep Endometriosis Surgery

Spontaneous conception rates are high in postoperative colorectal surgeries in the literature.

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Exploring the role of thyroid function in endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome

Review study sheds light on thyroid dysfunctions in gynecological disorders

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Is post-cesarean pain perception and analgesic use in endometriosis-affected women different?

Women with endometriosis require higher amount of analgesics to relieve postoperative pain after cesarean delivery.

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Can Endometriosis Affect the Chance of Giving Birth to a Live Baby?

Women with deep infiltrating endometriosis/endometrioma seem to have a lower live birth rate after their first IVF/ICSI compared to women without endometriosis.

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Understanding endometriosis pain

Patients go through challenges when communicating endometriosis pain, study shows

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Neonatal uterine bleeding at birth and endometriosis later in life

The babies of the younger mothers seem to have more neonatal uterine bleeding.

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Could brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) be a potential marker of endometriosis ?

Published research papers revealed higher levels of BDNF in endometriosis

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Psychosocial Factors Must Be Taken Into Account When Dealing With Endometriosis

Study shows that psychosocial factors play an important role in the physical and mental health of endometriosis patients.

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