Endometriosis treatment at diagnosis: Is it possible?
Study shows promising results with the use of MRI as a diagnostic tool before therapeutic laparoscopy
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Should I Have Endometriosis Surgery Before IVF-ICSI?
The pros and cons of endometriosis surgery before assisted reproduction should be carefully weighed, study says.
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New visions on diaphragmatic endometriosis
Analysis of diaphragmatic endometriosis cases reveals more frequent involvement on the right side
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Bladder Function Alterations Following Endometriosis Surgery
Post-operative urinary tract infections and urine retention are common among women with endometriosis.
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Complementary and alternative therapies for managing acyclic pelvic pain in women with endometriosis
Endometriosis patients may use different complementary and alternative treatment modalities to cope with acyclic pelvic pain.
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Effects of Perceived Loneliness in Endometriosis
Perceived loneliness affects the quality of life of women with endometriosis.
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Pregnancy outcomes of women with endometriosis/adenomyosis.
Low-lying placenta and preterm birth are the most common unwanted pregnancy outcomes in Japan.
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Beware of deep endometriosis involving ureter
Interdisciplinary collaboration is of utmost importance in revaling endometriotic urinary tract involvement
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