Could sexual activity during menses be a risk factor in endometriosis?
Italian researchers recently published a literature review in Women’s Health exploring the potential role of endometriosis and menstrual sexual activity. The retrograde menstruation theory, first proposed in the early 20th century, remains a popular hypothesis suggesting that menstrual debris contribute to the…
Key Points Lay SummaryDiaphragma central tendon and catamenial pneumothorax
Endometriosis typically involves ectopic endometrial tissue in pelvic organs, such as the bladder, ovaries, and uterine ligaments, leading to symptoms like dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and dyschezia. A rare form occurs in the diaphragm, causing catamenial pneumothorax. Management often includes hormone therapy…
Key Points Lay SummaryRetrograde Menstruation: Insights from Humans and Non-Human Primates
Vigano et al.from the Academic Center for Research on Adenomyosis and Endometriosis of Milan University, Italy, conducted a comprehensive literature review over a span of 23 years to evaluate retrograde menstruation in both humans and non-human primates, focusing on its role…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis: Investigating Theoretical Causes and Pathogenesis
Understanding the etiology of endometriosis is crucial for preventing its occurrence and minimizing the significant health burdens it imposes on women. As current treatment options are limited and often lead to severe side effects, identifying potential causes can empower women…
Key Points Lay SummaryIntrinsic Potential Factors in Retrograde Menstruation
The mechanistic model of endometriosis pathogenesis suggests that anatomical factors promoting retrograde menstruation are crucial and biologically sound. This model is supported by the strong link between obstructive Müllerian anomalies and endometriosis, indicating a causal relationship between the amount of…
Key Points Lay SummaryRetrograde Menstruation Theory Through Müllerian Anomalies
The pathogenesis of endometriosis is still under debate. Sampson also described this condition as "developmentally misplaced endometrial tissue" in 1925. To evaluate the theories of pathogenesis, Vercellini et al. from the Academic Center for Research on Adenomyosis and Endometriosis at…
Key Points Lay SummaryAny link between endometriosis and neonatal uterine bleeding?
A Medline search using the keywords " neonatal uterine bleeding," " pathophysiology," and "premenarche" was made by Dr. Habiba et al. from the Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. A total of 2264 articles were collected, and…
Key Points Lay SummaryReviewing all you want to know on endometriosis !
Academicians from the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Lincoln Medical School, UK have written a comprehensive updated review on endometriosis covering many aspects of endometriosis and published their paper as an open-access manuscript in the journal “Pathology-Research and Practice”. …
Key Points Lay SummaryMenstruating eye: Very rare but possible
Extragenital cyclical bleeding during a menstrual cycle is called vicarious menstruation and it is mostly reported to be seen in the nasal mucosa but can involve any other organ such as the lungs, stomach, kidney, etc. Endometriosis is a common…
Key Points Lay SummarySexual activity during menstruation: Any impact on endometriosis development?
Retrograde menstruation is among the theories for the etiology of endometriosis and there is a hypothesis that sexual activity during menstruation could potentially increase retrograde menstruation, leading to the implantation of endometrial tissue in other areas and consequently increasing the…
Key Points Lay SummaryInsights into the experiences of people with endometriosis during COVID-19 pandemic
During the isolation of Covid 19 pandemic period, the most critical issue was healthcare access for patients. This was worse for patients who had chronic illnesses. Endometriosis is one of these chronic illnesses that need regular care, pain relievers, and…
Key Points Lay SummaryWeb-based resource to improve menstrual health awareness
Many women consider "menstrual pain" a normal part of being female, and do not seek medical help but rather use self-management methods such as heat, rest, and analgesics. They are often unsure which self-management strategies are effective or what the…
Key Points Lay SummaryWhy Do Some Women Develop Endometriosis While Other Don’t?
Chemotaxis by natural killer cells as well as cytotoxicity is significantly decreased in the peritoneal cavity of women with endometriosis, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. This means that antigens that enter the…
Key Points Lay SummaryRetinol-binding protein in endometriosis pathogenesis
Dr. Jae Chul Lee and associates from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, have published the recent results of their research on endometriosis regarding the role of retinol-binding protein4…
Key Points Lay SummaryDo Adolescents Know About Endometriosis?
Most secondary school girls have painful periods and many of them don’t know what typical periods are like, according to a study published in the "Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology". The majority of the girls do not have knowledge…
Key Points Lay SummaryNew Rat Model of Endometriosis Could Help Researchers Develop New Treatments for the Condition
Researchers in Belgium developed a new rat model of endometriosis. The animals showed signs of ongoing pain meaning that the model could provide a tool for researchers to develop potential new ways to treat the different symptoms of the condition…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriotic mesenchymal stem cells may promote endometriosis
The cause of endometriosis is still debatable. Many researchers have accepted that retrograde menstruation, where the endometrial fragments released during menstruation attach and colonize the ectopic locations, is the most plausible reason. However, the numbers just do not add up.…
Key Points Lay SummaryFallopian tubes and endometriosis
There are multiple theories to explain the pathogenesis of endometriosis, among which the most popular one is Sampson's retrograde menstruation theory. The role of endometrial stem cells/progenitors are widely studied to support the origin of ectopic lesions in recent decades.…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis by Race
Endometriosis is usually diagnosed in reproductive-aged women with an incidence of approximately 10%. The most common presenting symptoms are dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility in patients with endometriosis. Some risk factors have been identified for the development of…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis and Insomnia
There should be more awareness among clinicians for the relationship between insomnia and endometriosis, the study suggests. There needs to be a suspect of endometriosis whenever the clinician faces women of reproductive age with sleep or insomnia-related symptoms. This symptom is…
Key Points Lay SummaryDefective “ferroptosis”: a new pathogenetic explanation of endometriosis
Dr. Ng and associates from Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, USA made a comprehensive review of the role of the iron element in the development of endometriotic lesions. Though iron element is essential for cell survival, and its deficiency is important…
Key Points Lay SummaryIs there an association between endometriosis and sexual activity during menstruation ?
This recent case-control study with 185 women having endometriosis and 370 women as a control group was conducted in Tebriz University, Iran by Dr. Mollazadeh and associates. Contemporarily, retrograde menstruation is a valid theory for disseminating endometrial tissue to the…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometrial single cells to contribute preexisting endometriosis.
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent inflammatory disease. This disease affects approximately 10% of reproductive-aged women and 20% to 50% of infertile women. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of endometriosis. Retrograde menstruation is believed to take part by the…
Key Points Lay SummaryImpact of Menstrual Symptoms on Everyday Life
Menstrual symptoms, including heavy menstrual bleeding, dysmenorrhea, and significant perimenstrual mood disorders, are common gynecological conditions. About 30% of women consider their menstrual bleeding heavy, and 34–94% of women experience pain during their menstrual period. Menstrual symptoms have a significant…
Key Points Lay SummaryVaginal Sexual Intercourse during Menstruation
Mazokopakis and Samonis from Greece examined and discussed the vaginal sexual intercourse during menstruation from a biblical as well as a modern medical point of view in their paper published in MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine in September 2018.…
Key Points Lay SummaryA Brief Review of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a common disease among women of reproductive age. It is more frequently seen among women without prior pregnancies, women with a family history of endometriosis, and women with abnormal menstrual periods. Peiris et al., researchers from the United…
Key Points Lay SummaryWomen recommended laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain
Chronic pelvic pain is a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. It has many etiologies in many organ systems. Clinician and patient factors affect the management of chronic pelvic pain. Mirowska-Allen K.L. et al. have recently published an article titled, “The characteristics of…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe pathogenesis of endometriosis : New discoveries with clinical impact
In this recent review article that appeared in Current Women’s Health Reviews, compiled by researchers from the Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Human Genetics, Institute of Cell Biology and Neuroscience Frankfurt, Germany the following important points in regard to the molecular and cellular pathogenesis of…
Key Points Lay SummaryMenstrual Effluent Can Change the Future of Endometriosis
During Endometriosis Awareness Month, Warren et al. published a paper entitled “Analysis of menstrual effluent: diagnostic potential for endometriosis” in Molecular Medicine. This paper relies heavily on the theory of retrograde menstruation, where menstrual effluent flows into the peritoneal cavity.…
Key Points Lay SummaryDo Adolescents and Adults Experience Endometriosis Differently?
Symptoms of endometriosis seem to be the same between women surgically diagnosed during adolescence and those diagnosed as adults, according to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. For both age groups, pelvic pain was severe,…
Key Points Lay SummaryHigh-Mobility Group Box 1 Expression Could Lead to Disease Progression
Endometriosis can often be characterized by the aberrant ectopic growth of endometriotic stromal cells (ESCs); however, research has yet to elucidate the mechanism driving this growth. The authors of this study, namely Shimizu et al., believe that the high-mobility group…
Key Points Lay Summary