Endometriosis-associated symptoms have a negative impact on the quality of life in women
Women with endometriosis experience restrictions in their daily activities due to pelvic pain, resulting in abstinence from work or school and discontinuation of their social activities. Evaluation and management of endometriosis-associated symptoms is important to prevent these significant consequences. However, successful…
Key Points Lay SummaryInsights into the experiences of people with endometriosis during COVID-19 pandemic
During the isolation of Covid 19 pandemic period, the most critical issue was healthcare access for patients. This was worse for patients who had chronic illnesses. Endometriosis is one of these chronic illnesses that need regular care, pain relievers, and…
Key Points Lay SummaryEvaluation of daily diary for endometriosis-related pain.
Some endometriosis patient-reported outcomes elements have been previously developed in accordance with regulatory and best practice guidelines including Endometriosis Pain Daily Diary, the Endometriosis Symptom Diary, and Endometriosis Impact Scale. The aim of this study was to develop another content-valid…
Key Points Lay SummaryA study design to improve the patient-centeredness in endometriosis care.
It is well known that endometriosis causes impaired daily activity and productivity along with energy loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia, and further, infertility accompanies all these negative influences. The chronic nature of the disease forces clinicians to plan long-term care…
Key Points Lay SummaryDeep endometriosis treatment options based on the patient's decision
Deep endometriosis, defined as endometriotic lesions penetrating deeper than 5 mm into the peritoneum comprise approximately 20% of all endometriosis cases. This invasive disease causes a significant reduction in the quality of life, social participation, and sexual health of affected…
Key Points Lay SummaryFatigue from the viewpoint of patients with endometriosis
Fatigue, feeling spoonie, is documented as a significant symptom of endometriosis in many studies. Researchers from three different institutions dealing with reproductive health conducted individual interviews with patients reporting moderate to severe endometriosis-related pain to better understand endometriosis-related fatigue and…
Key Points Lay SummaryAmbiguous experience: Destructive or Constructive
A diagnostic delay of 4-12 years is reported among women with endometriosis, which is explained by the lack of awareness of endometriosis as a medical condition among patients and healthcare professionals. In searching for a diagnosis, patients encounter many healthcare…
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