The need for fertility preservation in women with endometriosis
A variety of pathologies such as adhesions, inflammation, modified pelvic anatomy, and altered ovarian reserve are among the causes of infertility in women with endometriosis. Additionally, these patients experience suboptimal outcomes characterized by reduced pregnancy rates when they undergo assisted…
Key Points Lay SummaryTurn around to come to the same spot: Nothing specific to predict AMH decline
Endometriomas are challenging lesions as they might cause a decline in ovarian function either only by their presence or related to their surgery. Thus, any preoperative parameter that might give a vision to a surgeon for postoperative results is crucial.…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe predictive value of operative findings concerning ovarian reserve
Having endometrioma is a proven factor that affects the ovarian reserve of patients with endometriosis. Not only its presence but also the surgery applied, and concomitant disease stage might affect the reserve. In this retrospective analysis conducted in Korea by Jisun…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow to reduce follicle loss during endometrioma surgery?
Bilateral endometrioma is a critical situation to decide on further approaches when both infertility and pain are concerned. Techniques to protect ovarian functions are crucial when applying a cyst removal is inevitable. In the retrospective study conducted by Lingli Xin…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometrioma and its relation with fibrosis, dysmenorrhea, and AMH levels.
Endometrioma is an indicator of endometriosis which makes it easy to diagnose the disease for most clinicians. But the symptoms and relationship of endometrioma with menstrual pain severity and the ovarian reserve as well as its markers are not well…
Key Points Lay SummaryA quick insight into the latest research on endometriosis diagnosis and management
Endometriosis research has been expanding with many new studies ranging from new techniques and markers in diagnosis to updates in clinical management and treatment of the disease. The journal Frontiers in Surgery recently brought together articles that reflect important and…
Key Points Lay SummaryDoes Delivery Mode Affect the Ovarian Reserve?
Mohr-Sasson et al. from Sheba Medical Center, Israel, performed a prospective case-control study to assess whether ovarian reserve decreases after cesarian delivery. The study included only women with singleton pregnancies and the change in ovarian reserve after vaginal or cesarian…
Key Points Lay SummaryWhich is the best for ovarian reserve preservation? Hemostatic agent or coagulation?
The way of ovarian parenchymal bed hemostasis following ovarian cystectomy is crucial for ovarian reserve protection, and discussions about different techniques on this issue are ongoing. Multiport laparoscopic surgery is the standard method for ovarian surgeries, but laparoendoscopic single-site cystectomy became…
Key Points Lay SummaryControlled use of bipolar cauterization as an alternative to endometrioma cystectomy
The main symptoms of endometriosis are dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Ablation or coagulation of the cyst wall following laparoscopic drainage of endometrioma may be an alternative treatment for patients with pregnancy intention. Carbon dioxide, laser, and plasma energy…
Key Points Lay SummaryLimits of endometrioma surgery in infertility patients - Liselotte Mettler, MD, PhD
The removal of endometrioma may affect ovarian reserve because healthy follicles near endometrioma could also be excised during this procedure. Another concern about the ovarian reserve is that it may be already low before the surgery. Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)…
Key Points Lay SummaryFertility conservation in women with endometriosis
Endometriosis affects 10-15% of women in their reproductive period and almost half of them may need Assisted Reproductive techniques to conceive. Moreover, increased malignancy risk is threatening the women with severe endometriosis in addition to their decreased ovarian reserve. Due…
Key Points Lay SummaryDoes Endometriosis Reduce Ovarian Reserve?
Markers of ovarian reserve are worse in infertile women with endometriosis compared to women who cannot conceive due to male factor infertility regardless of whether or not they have had ovarian surgery. This finding is important because it suggests that…
Key Points Lay SummaryAntimullerian Hormone, endometrioma and ovarian reserve
Younis et al. from Baruch-Padeh Medical Center, Poriya, Israel, designed a review study on ovarian reserve alterations before and after endometrioma surgery that recently documented in "Human Reproduction Update". The authors examined the electronic databases of articles published between January…
Key Points Lay SummarySingle Nucleotide Polymorphisms Play a Role in Endometriosis Related Infertility
In their paper titled “Endometriosis-associated infertility: GDF-9, AMH, AMHR2 genes polymorphisms,” De Conto et al. attempt to elucidate the mechanism that leads to endometriosis-related infertility. In short, the authors hypothesize that there is a connection between polymorphisms in the Growth…
Key Points Lay Summary