Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis

Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Endometriosis is commonly associated with symptoms such as painful periods, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Diagnosing the condition is challenging due to symptom overlap with other gynecologic and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as the need for advanced imaging or laparoscopic…

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Perception of quality of professional healthcare in Italian patients with endometriosis

 Perception of quality of professional healthcare in Italian patients with endometriosis By Selma Oransay

According to the Italian Ministry of Health, the prevalence rate of endometriosis among women in their reproductive age is 10-15%. Many of them suffer from intense pain and a poor quality of life due to diagnostic delay. The average delay…

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Quality of life analyses among women with endometriosis

 Quality of life analyses among women with endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Clinical factors that may affect the quality of life in women with endometriosis are mental health, sexual life, working capacity, and social relations. Symptom severity, especially dysmenorrhea, heavy periods, pelvic pain, and infertility complaints, are the most disturbing factors in…

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Healthcare Seeking Behaviour May Be Sign of Endometriosis

Healthcare Seeking Behaviour May Be Sign of Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

Women with endometriosis had a higher utilization of primary and secondary healthcare in the 10 years before receiving a diagnosis, found a new study published in the scientific journal Human Reproduction.  “With this knowledge, healthcare professionals could be better at relating…

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New SMS Program Available for Endometriosis Patients

New SMS Program Available for Endometriosis Patients By Özge Özkaya

Researchers from Australia developed a supportive short message service (SMS) program for endometriosis patients. The program aims to support women living with endometriosis to manage their condition. The program called 'EndoSMS" was designed based on the needs and preferences of…

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Questionnaire Can Assess Patient-Centerdness of Endometriosis Care

Questionnaire Can Assess Patient-Centerdness of Endometriosis Care By Özge Özkaya

European patients with endometriosis think that “reaching a diagnosis quickly” and “physicians demarcating the endometriosis complexity level which they can treat” are important aspects of their care, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Best Practice & Research…

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Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain Have a Negative Experience With Doctors

Women With Chronic Pelvic Pain Have a Negative Experience With Doctors By Özge Özkaya

Women with chronic pelvic pain have a negative experience with the healthcare system, according to a study by US researchers published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This is the case regardless of whether or not they have…

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How Can Endometriosis Care Be Improved?

How Can Endometriosis Care Be Improved? By Özge Özkaya

Researchers identified 61 areas for improvement in endometriosis care based on the answers of endometriosis patients. Of these the top five areas of improvement were to train caregivers in order to develop their knowledge about endometriosis, to provide better management…

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Endometriosis Care Is More Patient-Centered for age older than 35

Endometriosis Care Is More Patient-Centered for age older than 35 By Özge Özkaya

Women younger than age 35 receive endometriosis care in a less patient-centered manner compared to older women, found a new study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This finding underscores the importance of improving endometriosis care, especially for…

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Placenta Previa More Common Among Pregnant Women With Endometriosis

Placenta Previa More Common Among Pregnant Women With Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

Endometriosis is associated with a higher risk of placenta previa, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Reproductive Sciences. This is the case whether the women became pregnant following in vitro fertilization (IVF). Moreover, for women with endometriosis…

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The consequence of COVID-19 pandemic on endometriosis patients

The consequence of COVID-19 pandemic on endometriosis patients By Selma Oransay

The relevant policies and restrictions concerning Covid-19 have prevented patients from accessing medical care. Similarly, standard care for endometriosis patients has also been negatively impacted by postponed or canceled appointments and suspended surgeries across the countries. Women trying to cope…

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A study design to improve the patient-centeredness in endometriosis care.

A study design to improve the patient-centeredness in endometriosis care. By Selma Oransay

It is well known that endometriosis causes impaired daily activity and productivity along with energy loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia, and further, infertility accompanies all these negative influences. The chronic nature of the disease forces clinicians to plan long-term care…

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The Cost of Healthcare for Chronic Pelvic Pain

The Cost of Healthcare for Chronic Pelvic Pain By Özge Özkaya

The healthcare costs of pelvic pain range between 1,367 USD and 7,043 USD per woman per year, found a new study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. The study also reported that prescription costs ranged between 193…

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Patient- centeredness in endometriosis

Patient- centeredness in endometriosis By Bahar Yuksel

Endometriosis is common in fertile age, and women with endometriosis are suffering from serious symptoms including pelvic discomfort, dysmenorrhea, and infertility. Due to resemblances of endometriosis symptoms with other diseases, most endometriosis patients are faced with delays in diagnosis. To…

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Could Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Increase the Risk of Endometriosis?

Could Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Increase the Risk of Endometriosis? By Özge Özkaya

The use of cosmetics and personal care products may be increasing the risk of endometriosis according to a study by Spanish researchers that was published in the journal "Environmental Research". This finding suggests that restricting the use of these products may…

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A Call for Pan-Canadian Collaboration for the Care and Quality of Life of Endometriosis Patients

A Call for Pan-Canadian Collaboration for the Care and Quality of Life of Endometriosis Patients By Timur Seckin

Wahl KJ et al., from Canada, drew attention to the lack of health care for endometriosis patients who are estimated to be 1 million in number in Canada in their recent brief communication report. The delay in the diagnosis, the…

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Patient-centered care in patients with endometriosis

Patient-centered care in patients with endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

The women with endometriosis suffer from several symptoms and signs including dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility which have a detrimental effect on their quality of life. Endometriosis is diagnosed with 7-10 years of delay due to the absence…

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Suggested remedies for endometriosis patients during coronavirus pandemic

Suggested remedies for endometriosis patients during coronavirus pandemic By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

The pandemic of COVID-19 continues to have important effects on endometriosis patients worldwide. Many health care facilities stopped providing surgical management and outpatient appointments are canceled or postponed. Dr. Leonardi from Australia and associates from several countries published their proposals…

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Racial and ethnic disparities and women health

Racial and ethnic disparities and women health By Selma Oransay

The well documented racial and ethnic disparities in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the US make available to use them as an indicator of implicit bias in giving unequal health and care service to minorities. Dr. Bryant from Massachusetts General Hospital,…

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Discrepancies between racial/ethnic groups and choice of hysterectomy procedures

Discrepancies between racial/ethnic groups and choice of hysterectomy procedures By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Dr. Pollack and associates from Washington University, St.Louis, made multistate research regarding the patient profile in hysterectomies and published their results in the 2019 December issue of "The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology". The most frequently performed nonobstetric surgery in…

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How Can Racial and Ethnic Disparities Be Reduced Among Women’s Health and Healthcare?

How Can Racial and Ethnic Disparities  Be Reduced Among Women’s Health and Healthcare? By Özge Özkaya

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published a set of recommendations to help reduce racial and ethnic disparities in women’s health and healthcare and encourage obstetricians, gynecologists, and other health care practitioners to engage in activities to help achieve…

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Laparoscopic surgery for COVID-19 positive patients: A Dilemma

Laparoscopic surgery for COVID-19 positive patients: A Dilemma By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

COVID-19 pandemic is the most important issue of our days. In this regard, it is crucial to keep health care providers (HCPs) safe and away from contamination. Doctors Without Borders reported that regardless of all preventive measurements, nearly eight percent…

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How well do providers understand endometriosis?

How well do providers understand endometriosis? By Demet Candaş Green

Endometriosis is a challenging disease no matter what side of the equation you are in, a patient or a provider who cares for patients with the disease. It impacts millions of women worldwide, making it one of the most prevalent…

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Primary care physicians have a crucial role in the early diagnosis of endometriosis

Primary care physicians have a crucial role in the early diagnosis of endometriosis By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Dr. Verket and associates from the University of Oslo, Norway, published their cross-sectional anonymous postal questionnaire study in "BMJ open". Diagnosing endometriosis is difficult because dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and infertility are also common among other diseases. The most accurate and reliable diagnosis…

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How to design patient-centered interventions to meet the needs of endometriosis patients

How to design patient-centered interventions to meet the needs of endometriosis patients By Selma Oransay

The treatment of endometriosis is not perfect and necessitates the development of patient-oriented care initiatives. On this basis, patient-related transparent information should be the priority for researchers to find out a way for targeted interventions. Steele et al. from Australia and…

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Quality of Endometriosis Healthcare: What Do Patients Feel, What Do Doctors Say?

Quality of Endometriosis Healthcare: What Do Patients Feel, What Do Doctors Say? By Özge Özkaya

Patients and doctors seem to agree that clinical care for women with endometriosis needs improving. This is according to the results of a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology.  Endometriosis is a severe condition where chronic…

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Disparities in Access to Healthcare in Women with Endometriosis

Disparities in Access to Healthcare in Women with Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

There are significant differences in the use of medical services and prescriptions between women with endometriosis who have private healthcare and those who don’t. This is according to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.   This…

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Health care resource utilization and cost in women with endometriosis

Health care resource utilization and cost in women with endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting 6-10% of reproductive-aged women. The clinical picture of the disease range from asymptomatic findings to dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Endometriosis has also complex etiopathogenetic background. This broad clinical spectrum, the…

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"Endometriosis", "Fibromyalgia" and "Autoimmune diseases"

By Irem Onur

Greenbaum et al. from Israel, investigated the prevalence of and the association between endometriosis, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases in a large population database and described healthcare resource utilization in affected women. Their study has been published in the "American Journal…

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Self-management of endometriosis symptoms: from Australia

Self-management of endometriosis symptoms: from Australia By Demet Candaş Green

Effective self-management techniques and lifestyle changes may play an important role in the management of endometriosis symptoms by many women. Due to various reasons such as limited effectiveness of some medications, potential side effects, availability of medical resources, self-desire to…

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Ambiguous experience: Destructive or Constructive

Ambiguous experience: Destructive or Constructive By Deniz Kocas

A diagnostic delay of 4-12 years is reported among women with endometriosis, which is explained by the lack of awareness of endometriosis as a medical condition among patients and healthcare professionals. In searching for a diagnosis, patients encounter many healthcare…

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Patient-centered endometriosis care

Patient-centered endometriosis care By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is defined as endometrial glands and stroma that exist outside the uterine cavity. Ectopic endometrial tissue and resultant inflammation can cause dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pain, and infertility, all of which reduce the quality of life. The aim of the…

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Endometriosis Costs the Economy Almost $15,000 a Year per Patient

Endometriosis Costs the Economy Almost $15,000 a Year per Patient By Özge Özkaya

Patients with endometriosis incur significantly higher healthcare costs compared to other patients, a found a study published in the scientific journal Advances in Therapy. Because over 10 million women in the U.S. and an estimated 200 million women worldwide have…

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How to Improve the Psycho-Social Well Being in Endometriosis Patients?

How to Improve the Psycho-Social Well Being in Endometriosis Patients? By Kasthuri Nair

Endometriosis and its various symptoms can negatively impact an individual’s psycho-social wellbeing.  Additionally, current endometriosis treatments do not adequately alleviate the symptoms and improve a patient’s health-related quality of life (HRQOL). In their article titled “The association between experiences with…

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Institutional Violence Typically Faced by Women with Endometriosis

Institutional Violence Typically Faced by Women with Endometriosis By Kasthuri Nair

Endometriosis is a painful disease for many reasons. The physical pain caused by the illness is acknowledged by all; however, the pain resulting from institutional violence is not as commonly discussed. Before proceeding, it is important to define institutional violence…

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Women with Endometriosis May Require Additional Care During Pregnancy and Labour

Women with Endometriosis May Require Additional Care During Pregnancy and Labour By Özge Özkaya

Women with endometriosis have a higher risk of bleeding after giving birth, found a study published in the Chinese Medical Journal. In addition, women with endometriosis who conceived by assisted reproduction may also have a higher risk of bleeding after…

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