The most influential adverse effects of endometriosis
Academicians from the Queen’s University, Ontario Canada led by Dr. Velez published their population-based cohort study related to pregnancy complications in a recent issue of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. This population-based cohort study analyzed the association between endometriosis and…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis and the risk to have mental disorders
The most common clinical findings of endometriosis patients are pelvic pain and fertility problems, resulting in impairment of quality of life. These women are also affected regarding psychological health due to disease-associated symptoms. Dr. Wang et al., from Taiwan, published…
Key Points Lay SummaryFrom Finland : How to increase health issues in endometriosis patients
Dr. Henna-Riikka Rossi and associates from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland have published their recent prospective cohort study on possible existing comorbidities of endometriosis patients in the journal Fertility and Sterility. Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent chronic ailment affecting about…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe relation between body mass index and endometriosis
The studies have emphasized a link between low BMI values and endometriosis, however, this conclusion may be questionable when the estrogen dependence of the disease is concerned. Excess adipose tissue may produce higher circulating estrogen that may result in an…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe incidence of endometriosis may vary over time according to age, period and cohort
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent gynecological disease mostly encountered in reproductive-aged women. Early diagnosis has importance as endometriosis impairs the quality of life of patients and creates a serious social and economic burden. Fortunately, earlier diagnosis and management of endometriosis becomes…
Key Points Lay SummaryCancer, is that a real risk?
Endometriosis is non-malignant but shares some similar features with cancer, such as the occurrence of local and distant foci, the ability to resist cell death, and the ability to invade other tissues, causing damage to the organs. Endometriosis also generates…
Key Points Lay SummaryAre endometriosis patients at higher risk of bipolar disorder?
Endometriosis patients are prone to develop certain psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety, as well as bipolar disorder, according to a nationwide population-based cohort study from Taiwan. Bipolar disorder formerly called manic-depression is a chronic mental disorder characterized by unusual changes…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe Relationship Between Dyspareunia and Infertility in Endometriosis
Wahl et al. from the Center of Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis British Columbia Women's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada studied with endometriotic patients suffering from dyspareunia who were referred to their center and built a cross-sectional study to investigate the relations between…
Key Points Lay SummaryPerinatal risk factors for endometriosis
Gao M. et al., from Sweden analyzed the associations of maternal and birth characteristics with the risk of endometriosis among Swedish women of reproductive age. They have recently published their study in the "International Journal of Epidemiology". The authors conducted…
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