The Role of Surgeon Specialty in Colorectal Resection Outcomes for Women with Endometriosis
When endometriosis invade the tissues, including the bowel wall by more than 5 mm, it is termed deep infiltrating endometriosis. Patients with bowel involvement typically experience symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, tenesmus, and rectal bleeding. Surgical intervention is often the…
Key Points Lay SummaryDIE Complex and Requires Interdisciplinary Approach
The vast majority of deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) cases are treated with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery according to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. Moreover, there is a high need for interdisciplinary operations. “Our results emphasize…
Key Points Lay SummaryComparison of Postoperative Complications in Total vs. Supracervical Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for Endometriosis
Dr. Raanan Meyer and his team from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, have published a study in Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, comparing the outcomes of total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) and laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSCH) in patients with endometriosis. A…
Key Points Lay SummaryNerve-Sparing Surgery Safe in DIE
Robot-assisted nerve-sparing modified radical hysterectomy is associated with longer operative times and lower estimated blood loss compared to the conventional laparoscopic approach to treat deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE), according to a new study published in the scientific journal Archives of…
Key Points Lay SummaryDiagnosis and management of treatment in diaphragmatic endometriosis.
Diaphragmatic endometriosis is a rare extra-pelvic type of deep endometriosis with a prevalence of 0,19% to 4,75. In symptomatic women, the symptoms are characterized by non-specific chest pain, shoulder pain, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and pneumothorax, whereas 75% of…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis Associated With Obstetric Complications, Study Shows
There is a significant association between endometriosis and obstetric complications, according to a new study published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. “The present findings . . .may help inform clinical practice and future research,”…
Key Points Lay SummaryNo increased risk of major postoperative complications in women operated by experienced surgeons in endometriosis centers
Recurrent surgery may be needed in up to 35% of endometriosis patients. The reason for repeated surgery may be residual or recurrent disease. In other words, multiple surgical procedures are a common phenomenon for women having endometriosis. Knowing the impact…
Key Points Lay SummaryRobotic Surgery Not Linked With More Complications in Certain Cases
Robotic-assisted excision surgery to treat large rectal endometriotic nodules larger than 3 cm is not associated with a higher risk of complications following the operation compared to conventional laparoscopy, according to a new study published in the journal Colorectal Diseases.…
Key Points Lay SummaryPerioperative complications of outpatient surgery for endometriosis.
Surgical treatment of endometriosis plays an essential role in managing the disease. They are miscellaneous perioperative complications such as incomplete removal of the lesions, low quality of the first surgery, or incorrect approach to laparoscopic surgeries that result in increased…
Key Points Lay SummaryWomen With Endometriosis at a Higher Risk of Pregnancy Complications
Apart from having difficulties conceiving, women with endometriosis also seem to have a significantly higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. This is according to a new population-based study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. It is already known that…
Key Points Lay SummaryA new classification called ENDOGRADE to rate surgical complexity in deep endometriosis.
Correlation with patient outcomes could not be identified in most endometriosis classification systems including the commonly used revised ASRM. Therefore, in addition to grading the depth and invasion pattern of the lesions, there is a need for a classification system to…
Key Points Lay SummaryPostoperative outcomes of laparoscopic rectosigmoid resection for bowel endometriosis.
Rectosigmoid endometriosis comprises 80-85% of all bowel endometriosis cases and can be localized in the rectovaginal septum, uterosacral ligaments, retro-cervical region, and parametrium. Symptoms of rectosigmoid endometriosis include abdominal bloating, constipation-diarrhea, lower-back pain, dyschezia, and sometimes cyclic rectal bleeding. Minimally…
Key Points Lay SummaryPreoperative MRI Scoring System Could Ensure Women Are Fully Informed
The Deep Pelvic Endometriosis Index is able to predict the length of surgery and hospital stay as well as complications following surgery including voiding dysfunction, according to a new multicenter cohort study, the results of which were published in The Journal…
Key Points Lay SummaryChanges over time in day surgery for endometriosis in Canada
There are several medical and surgical treatment options for the management of endometriosis. Surgical approach is generally preferred in women with atypical endometrioma appearance on ultrasound, and who have persistent pain despite medical treatment. Surgery is often the first choice…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow to cope with the probable complications of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic hysterectomy to treat endometriosis and adenomyosis can lead to complications, which are “non-negligible”, according to a new study published in the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. It is, therefore, of great importance to know the factors that are associated…
Key Points Lay SummaryEvaluation of the postoperative disability in women with endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease with a prevalence of 4,4% in women of reproductive age. It is also estimated that 23,8 of infertile women have endometriosis. Pelvic pain, dyschezia, dysmenorrhea, and dysuria are the symptoms of this disease that negatively…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis Seems to Increase the Risk of Preeclampsia
Women with endometriosis who conceive spontaneously, i.e. without the help of assisted reproductive technologies seem to be at a higher risk of preeclampsia, according to a new study published in the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. However, endometriosis does not…
Key Points Lay SummaryParametrial endometriosis and postoperative voiding dysfunction.
Parametrium constitutes a complex connective tissue containing blood vessels, the ureter, and the inferior hypogastric plexus, that extends from the lateral surface of the cervix and vagina to the lateral pelvic wall. Parametrial endometriosis may involve the vessels, nerves, and…
Key Points Lay SummaryFertility Problems and Pregnancy Complications: Are They Coming From the Same Root Theory?
Endometriosis and adenomyosis are bad sisters causing not only infertility but also when pregnancy is achieved, complications related to the disease. In the review paper written by Gruber et al, it is described that adenomyosis and endometriosis come from the…
Key Points Lay SummaryAltered Decidualization and Pregnancy Complications
Dr. Carlo Ticconi and colleagues from Italy published their comprehensive review manuscript “Clinical consequences of defective decidualization” in the June 2021 issue of “Tissue and Cell”. Currently, there has been growing research interest in the study of decidualization, and knowledge of…
Key Points Lay SummaryFactors affecting complications and the recurrence of operated deep infiltrating endometriosis
Deep infiltrating endometriosis is classified as penetrating the endometrial tissues more than 5 mm deep on the peritoneal surface, mainly uterosacral ligament, rectovaginal septum, ovarian fossa, pelvic peritoneum, bowels, ureters, and bladder. Treatment of the disease depends on the need…
Key Points Lay SummaryFixing holes: prevention and treatment of complications - Jon Einarsson, MD, MPH
Dr. Einarsson shared his operating room video screens during his speech for discussing four major complications (ureter, bladder, bowel, and vascular) of endometriosis surgery and the ways to repair them. Fixing the ureter damage: Endometriotic nodules may settle on the tract…
Key Points Lay SummaryMagnetic resonance imaging classification for the management of deep pelvic endometriosis
A new study published in the journal "Human Reproduction" reported that operating time, hospital stay, and postoperative complications in patients who underwent surgery for deep endometriosis can be predicted by the MRI. This result may be useful for clinicians to…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis-related obstetrical complications and their outcome
Borisova et al. from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Peoples' Friendship University, Moskow, Russia, and her colleagues from the Center of Perinatal and Reproductive Medicine of University Perugia, Italy, recently published a review of the literature data about…
Key Points Lay SummaryColorectal Deep Endometriosis Resection and Potential Complications
A severe clinical form of endometriosis, deeply infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) is characterized by more aggressive endometriotic lesions commonly involving deeper pelvic or gastrointestinal organs. It causes significant quality of life impairment and morbidity and is increasingly associated with infertility. When…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe advantages of combined vaginal-laparoscopic approach on voiding dysfunction for rectovaginal endometriosis
The patients with rectovaginal endometriotic nodules with extensive vaginal infiltration who are managed combined vaginal-laparoscopic approach have a lower risk of postoperative bladder dysfunction when compared to surgery via laparoscopy alone. This is according to a manuscript published in the…
Key Points Lay SummaryBowel surgery for endometriosis
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disorder. The disease harbors various complications. Deep endometriosis involving the bowel is only one aspect of the condition that has variable phenotypic presentations and pathologic subtypes. Knowledge of the short- and long-term risks of the surgical…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis Severity and Complication Risks Following Laparoscopic Surgery
In a research article published in the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts suggested that the severity of endometriosis could not be a predictor of the risk of post-operative complications. In…
Key Points Lay SummaryRisk of placenta previa is elevated in endometriotic women who underwent surgery.
In the last decade concerns raised for surgical operations performed before pregnancies of endometriotic patients due to significantly increased risk of pregnancy complications such as placenta previa, preterm birth, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, placental abruption, postpartum hemorrhage and small baby…
Key Points Lay SummaryIs there any difference between endometriosis patients with or without obliterated cul-de-sac during laparoscopic hysterectomy?
Endometriosis is a disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal cells outside the uterine cavity. It is diagnosed in 10% to 15% of reproductive-aged women. Women with endometriosis demand therapy for the most common symptoms, which are…
Key Points Lay SummarySurgical treatment of deeply infiltrating endometriosis in tertiary treatment centers
In the present study, data from patients who were surgically treated for deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) in a tertiary referral unit, the Avicenna Centre for Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Gynecology (ACEMIG, Tehran, Iran), were examined for rates of intraoperative and…
Key Points Lay SummaryWill I Have Complications After Endometriosis Surgery?
The rate of complications after surgery to treat deep infiltrating endometriosis is low, confirmed a study by researchers in Germany. It is important to know whether major or minor complications following surgery are likely to develop and what the outcome…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow to evaluate ureteral endometriosis : A review of the literature
In this recently published review of the literature, Barra et al. from Genova, Italy intend to provide a useful tool to guide physicians in the management of deep infiltrating endometriosis. Authors elected 67 abstracts from Pubmed and Medline in accordance with PRISMA…
Key Points Lay SummaryPrior endometriosis surgery and the risk of pregnancy complications
Koninckx et al. discussed the association of pregnancy complications with endometriosis and endometriosis surgery in their recently published paper in the journal Fertility and Sterility. They especially mentioned about the retrospective study of Nirgianakis et al. published in the same…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow Could Doctors Reduce Risk of Complications Following Rectal Endometriosis Surgery?
Introducing a temporary opening, known as a stoma, in the abdomen of patients that are operated for rectal endometriosis to collect waste products could reduce the risk of complications such as anastomotic leakage. This is according to a study by…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow to identify an Expert Centers for Colorectal Endometriosis Surgery
It is of paramount importance to determine set criteria to define expert centers for colorectal endometriosis surgery, according to a research article published in the scientific journal Surgical Endoscopy. As the hospital and surgeon case volume has a significant impact…
Key Points Lay Summary