Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis

Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Endometriosis is commonly associated with symptoms such as painful periods, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Diagnosing the condition is challenging due to symptom overlap with other gynecologic and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as the need for advanced imaging or laparoscopic…

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Diagnostic Delays in Endometriosis: Contributing Factors

Diagnostic Delays in Endometriosis: Contributing Factors By Selma Oransay

While the delay in diagnosing endometriosis is well-documented, the reasons behind this delay and the specific gaps in the healthcare system remain poorly understood. Transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are useful tools in detecting the condition, but laparoscopic surgery…

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Psychological effect of endometriosis due to chronic pelvic pain

Psychological effect of endometriosis due to chronic pelvic pain By Hale Goksever Celik

The most common symptoms of endometriosis are dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and chronic pelvic pain, all of which affect the quality of women’s lives. Early diagnosis and management are important as endometriosis impairs the quality of life of patients and creates a…

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Psychosocial Factors Must Be Taken Into Account When Dealing With Endometriosis

Psychosocial Factors Must Be Taken Into Account When Dealing With Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

It is crucial to take into account both physical and psychosocial factors to maintain physical and mental health in patients with endometriosis, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Psychology & Health. “Treatment should address both pelvic…

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Healthcare Seeking Behaviour May Be Sign of Endometriosis

Healthcare Seeking Behaviour May Be Sign of Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

Women with endometriosis had a higher utilization of primary and secondary healthcare in the 10 years before receiving a diagnosis, found a new study published in the scientific journal Human Reproduction.  “With this knowledge, healthcare professionals could be better at relating…

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The Delay in Endometriosis Diagnosis Is Huge

The Delay in Endometriosis Diagnosis Is Huge By Özge Özkaya

Eleven years pass on average in Italy for a woman to get diagnosed with endometriosis from when she starts having symptoms. This delay can even be even longer (4 more years) if the symptoms appear before a woman is age 20.…

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Time has come to learn more about endometriosis and take action!

Time has come to learn more about endometriosis and take action! By Eylül GÜN

It has been a long time since endometriosis was defined. Extensive population studies have shown that around 10% of women suffer from this condition. Depending on its severity, it alters the various functions of the body and causes the patients…

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Does the timing of endometriosis diagnosis affect optimal infertility treatment?

Does the timing of endometriosis diagnosis affect optimal infertility treatment? By Selma Oransay

Based on a retrospective population-linked data study in "Human Reproduction", the ESHRE journal club featured a detailed discussion with 50 participants, patients’ representatives, and experts (Paola Vigano´, Mathew Leonardi, Thomas D’Hooghe, Louise Hull), together with the authors of the original article, mainly…

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How does endometriosis affect the life course of the patients?

How does endometriosis affect the life course of the patients? By Eylül GÜN

Endometriosis, as a chronic disease has impairing effects on women’s lives. Patients carry psychological, social, and work-related burdens along with debilitating physical symptoms. Studies have been performed on these issues at a particular time in patients’ lives, however, only a…

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Listening to patients’ complaints is the first step on the way to a diagnosis of endometriosis.

Listening to patients’ complaints is the first step on the way to a diagnosis of endometriosis. By Hale Goksever Celik

Early diagnosis and management of endometriosis are not possible due to the wide spectrum of symptoms and absence of non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers. Particularly the adolescent population is at risk for the diagnostic delay because pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea are very…

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Endometriosis of the Diaphragm, What do the Doctors Know About it?

Endometriosis of the Diaphragm, What do the Doctors Know About it? By Özge Özkaya

The median time between the first consultation with a primary care physician and receiving a diagnosis of endometriosis of the diaphragm is two years according to a study by U.K. researchers. In the worse case, it took 23 years for…

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A scoping review proposal for the diagnostic and treatment delay of endometriosis

A scoping review proposal for the diagnostic and treatment delay of endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Women with endometriosis suffer from pain for a prolonged time due to diagnostic and treatment delay which is the most challenging aspect of endometriosis. Cromeens et al, from the USA, published a review entitled “Timing, delays, and pathways to the…

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Prevalence, Risk factors and Management of Bowel Fistula after Rectosigmoid Surgery for Deep Endometriosis

Prevalence, Risk factors and Management of Bowel Fistula after Rectosigmoid Surgery for Deep Endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Bowel fistula is a severe complication after the colorectal endometriosis surgery, but little is known about its prevalence, and reports on large series are lacking. To discuss specific management on colorectal deep endometriosis, Roman et al. conducted a retrospective study…

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How Long Does it Take to Be Diagnosed with Endometriosis?

How Long Does it Take to Be Diagnosed with Endometriosis? By Özge Özkaya

It takes a median of eight years to reach a diagnosis of endometriosis from when the symptoms of the condition first appear confirmed a new British study. Interestingly, it seems that the earlier the symptoms appear, the later the disease…

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Factors related to delay in endometriosis diagnosis

Factors related to delay in endometriosis diagnosis By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Dr. Moniek van der Zanden, a gynecologist from Netherlands has recently made a nationwide survey on the impact of key recommendations of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) guidelines on endometriosis and aimed to assess factors influencing diagnostic delay of…

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More than Four Years Pass Before Endometriosis is Diagnosed After Symptoms First Appear

More than Four Years Pass Before Endometriosis is Diagnosed After Symptoms First Appear By Özge Özkaya

The average time that passes between the onset of symptoms such as pelvic pain and the diagnosis of endometriosis is 4.4 years on average, according to a study conducted by researchers at the pharmaceutical company Abbvie and published in the…

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