The long-term cardiovascular risk in women with endometriosis.
Endometriosis, a chronic and systemic condition affecting 10% of women of reproductive age, has far-reaching effects beyond the reproductive system. Recent research highlights its role in triggering systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction. These processes can disrupt liver metabolism,…
Key Points Lay SummaryToxic metal cadmium and Endometriosis
Data analyst Mandy Hall and and colleagues from the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University, USA, have published their results on cadmium levels and endometriosis in a recent issue of “Human Reproduction”. In 2020 the World Health Organization…
Key Points Lay SummaryImmune-mediated conditions and endometriosis in adolescents and adults
The most common presenting complaints of endometriosis are mainly pelvic pain and infertility, commonly in relation to the menstrual period. Affected women demand therapy for these symptoms. Immunologic diseases such as autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases, allergies, asthma, previous mononucleosis infection,…
Key Points Lay SummaryCancer, is that a real risk?
Endometriosis is non-malignant but shares some similar features with cancer, such as the occurrence of local and distant foci, the ability to resist cell death, and the ability to invade other tissues, causing damage to the organs. Endometriosis also generates…
Key Points Lay SummaryAdenomyosis (endometriosis interna): an enigmatic disease that has to be discovered yet
Scientists, Drs. Vannuccini and Petraglia from Italy have published an open access comprehensive review of Adenomyosis in "F1000Research" in March 2019 issue. Adenomyosis is a uterine disorder in which endometrial glands and stroma are pathologically demonstrated within the myometrium, i.e.…
Key Points Lay SummaryAny adjustable risk factor for Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is believed to be estrogen and progesterone-dependent. Lifestyle factors such as alcohol/caffeine intake, smoking, and physical activity influence estrogen levels in the body and, therefore, may impact the development of endometriosis. In the study of Hemmert et al. which…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe Past, Present, and Future of Diagnosing Endometriosis
This review titled “Endometriosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management” published in Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports examines the distribution and factors associated with endometriosis. The analysis by Parasar, Ozcan, and Terry also delineates potential biomarkers and risk factors that could…
Key Points Lay SummaryAre there any risk factor associated with the progression of endometriosis to ovarian cancer?
Endometriosis is a disease whereby endometrial glands proliferate outside of the endometrial lining. Apart from causing significant morbidity, It has been found that endometriosis is associated with an increased risk of progression to endometroid and clear cell ovarian cancer. However,…
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