Pain Scoring System for Deep Endometriosis
The numeric pain scale is commonly used to interpret pain score values. According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, pain scores of 4-7 points indicate moderate, and 8-10 points indicate severe pain. Patients with a local pain score of…
Key Points Lay SummaryDeep Endometriosis or Recto-uterine Obliteration Without Endometrioma
The diagnostic help of ultrasound is increasing by its ability to diagnose deep infiltrating and rectouterine pouch obliteration in patients who are suffering from chronic pelvic pain. Clinicians are used to evaluating the rectal and parametrial areas of the endometriotic…
Key Points Lay SummaryIs there any difference between endometriosis patients with or without obliterated cul-de-sac during laparoscopic hysterectomy?
Endometriosis is a disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal cells outside the uterine cavity. It is diagnosed in 10% to 15% of reproductive-aged women. Women with endometriosis demand therapy for the most common symptoms, which are…
Key Points Lay Summary