A comparative analysis of male and female perspectives on sexuality in couples dealing with endometriosis
Sexual relationships of patients with endometriosis have been an area of research lately, however, studies have focused mostly on female perceptions and opinions leaving out the males. Helfenstein et al. from Switzerland, Germany, and Austria conducted a multicenter cohort study…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow does endometriosis affect the life course of the patients?
Endometriosis, as a chronic disease has impairing effects on women’s lives. Patients carry psychological, social, and work-related burdens along with debilitating physical symptoms. Studies have been performed on these issues at a particular time in patients’ lives, however, only a…
Key Points Lay SummaryRelationship Goals and Sexual Satisfaction for Couples Coping with Endometriosis
"Relationship satisfaction" is based on an individual's emotional judgment. Physical and emotional obstacles may present and negatively affect relationship satisfaction. Endometriosis is associated with multiple life domains, and also includes relationship and sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction, on the other hand,…
Key Points Lay SummaryDeep endometriosis treatment options based on the patient's decision
Deep endometriosis, defined as endometriotic lesions penetrating deeper than 5 mm into the peritoneum comprise approximately 20% of all endometriosis cases. This invasive disease causes a significant reduction in the quality of life, social participation, and sexual health of affected…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe effect of endometriosis on the quality of life
Endometriosis, the disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal tissue outside the uterine cavity, can be diagnosed in the reproductive-aged women with an incidence of 7-15%. However, endometriosis is observed in women with chronic pelvic pain syndrome…
Key Points Lay SummaryA Doctor's Guide to Making Endometriosis Less Scary
Canis, Bourdel, and Chauvet, doctors from CHU Estaing, recently published an article titled “Endometriosis: frightening the patients is not an acceptable alternative to inadequate surgical management and or pathophysiology ignorance” in Fertility and Sterility. Their paper delineated proper health practices…
Key Points Lay SummaryEndometriosis and Psychological Health: Butterflies from Deep Wounds
Endometriosis is a grueling disease in every sense of the word; however, most of the discussions center on the physical manifestations of the disease. Facchin et al. veer from the beaten path and examine the impact endometriosis have on a…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow Endometriosis Affects a Partner
Endometriosis can significantly impact the life of the woman who has the disease as well as the life of those who support and care for her. Ameratunga et al. recently published a study titled “Exploring the impact of endometriosis on…
Key Points Lay Summary