Impact of Menstrual Cycle on Cognitive Function in Midlife Women

Impact of Menstrual Cycle on Cognitive Function in Midlife Women By Selma Oransay

Dementia, which affects women at more than 1.7 times the rate of men, continues to be a growing health concern, with potential links to hormonal changes. Estrogen, known for its neuroprotective effects, influences cognitive functions such as verbal memory, fluency,…

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Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis

Pre-Diagnosis Hospital Utilization Patterns in Women With Endometriosis By Selma Oransay

Endometriosis is commonly associated with symptoms such as painful periods, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Diagnosing the condition is challenging due to symptom overlap with other gynecologic and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as the need for advanced imaging or laparoscopic…

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Lifestyle and Environmental Factors in Endometriosis: Current Insights and Future Directions

 Lifestyle and Environmental Factors in Endometriosis: Current Insights and Future Directions By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis-associated symptoms such as dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain have an effect to diminish the quality of life. The physical and mental quality of life of these women is adversely affected. There are several studies evaluating the quality of life…

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Does a comprehensive interventional program improve sexual health in women with endometriosis?

Does a comprehensive interventional program improve sexual health in women with endometriosis? By Hale Goksever Celik

Women with endometriosis suffer from dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain, all of which has significant negative consequences on their physical and psychological health regarding sexual and reproductive function. A group of scientists from Iran, published a study protocol titled…

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A concerning link between endometriosis and cardiovascular disease.

A concerning link between endometriosis and cardiovascular disease. By Selma Oransay

Endometriosis is a disease characterized by endometrial-like tissues outside the uterus, which causes inflammation, scarring, and adhesion formation. The pathologic process of forming those adhesions releases proinflammatory molecules, cytokines, and growth factors that may have systemic effects. Recent research, for…

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Risk of endometriosis and related occupational factors among working women

Risk of endometriosis and related occupational factors among working women By Eylül GÜN

As a debilitating disease, endometriosis is well known to have effects on the patient's overall quality of life. Various studies have consistently reported that working women face an increased risk of endometriosis growth. Lee et al. from Korea conducted a…

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Endometriosis and the risk to have mental disorders

Endometriosis and the risk to have mental disorders By Hale Goksever Celik

The most common clinical findings of endometriosis patients are pelvic pain and fertility problems, resulting in impairment of quality of life. These women are also affected regarding psychological health due to disease-associated symptoms. Dr. Wang et al., from Taiwan, published…

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Omitted facet of endometriosis : mental health related to stigma

Omitted facet of endometriosis : mental health related to stigma By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

A team of clinical psychologists involved in women’s health led by Deniz Kocas has published a recent review on the mental health aspect of endometriosis patients in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Endometriosis is a notoriously…

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Educational Programs Important to Raise Endometriosis Awareness

Educational Programs Important to Raise Endometriosis Awareness By Özge Özkaya

An educational program consisting of lectures and group discussions motivated nursing and medical students to seek medical attention so endometriosis can be detected and managed early, reported a new study published in the scientific journal Reproductive Biomedicine Online. However, this…

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Web-based resource to improve menstrual health awareness

Web-based resource to improve menstrual health awareness By Selma Oransay

Many women consider "menstrual pain" a normal part of being female, and do not seek medical help but rather use self-management methods such as heat, rest, and analgesics. They are often unsure which self-management strategies are effective or what the…

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The association between severe endometriosis and venous thromboembolism

The association between severe endometriosis and venous thromboembolism By Hale Goksever Celik

For clarifying the issue of whether endometriosis patients are at risk for venous thromboembolism due to both their local immune and inflammatory responses and hormonal treatments, Wiegers et al,  from the Netherlands, published an explorative cohort study entitled “Risk of…

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Body Mass Index and indicators of metabolic syndrome in women with Endometriosis

Body Mass Index and indicators of metabolic syndrome in women with Endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis is a disease of reproductive-aged women and has common pathophysiological mechanisms with other chronic health morbidities due to its estrogen-dependent chronic inflammatory background. The changes in the inflammatory components of adipose tissue may have an impact on the quality of…

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Self-management and the quality of life in women with endometriosis

Self-management and the quality of life in women with endometriosis By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis symptoms can range from mild to severe. The most common presenting complaints are mainly pelvic pain and infertility. There is no doubt that the physical and mental quality of life of these women is adversely affected. There are several studies…

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Bad bad lipid go away!

Bad bad lipid go away! By Yu Yu

Much like the progression of endometriosis, accumulating evidence suggests that systemic chronic inflammation and oxidative stress can contribute to atherosclerosis. The excess low-density lipoprotein increases inflammatory processes in the arteries, which may result in atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown that…

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Racial and ethnic disparities and women health

Racial and ethnic disparities and women health By Selma Oransay

The well documented racial and ethnic disparities in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the US make available to use them as an indicator of implicit bias in giving unequal health and care service to minorities. Dr. Bryant from Massachusetts General Hospital,…

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Discrepancies between racial/ethnic groups and choice of hysterectomy procedures

Discrepancies between racial/ethnic groups and choice of hysterectomy procedures By Nasuhi Engin Aydin

Dr. Pollack and associates from Washington University, St.Louis, made multistate research regarding the patient profile in hysterectomies and published their results in the 2019 December issue of "The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology". The most frequently performed nonobstetric surgery in…

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How Can Racial and Ethnic Disparities Be Reduced Among Women’s Health and Healthcare?

How Can Racial and Ethnic Disparities  Be Reduced Among Women’s Health and Healthcare? By Özge Özkaya

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published a set of recommendations to help reduce racial and ethnic disparities in women’s health and healthcare and encourage obstetricians, gynecologists, and other health care practitioners to engage in activities to help achieve…

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Postmenopausal endometriosis: Is it a rare phenomenon?

Postmenopausal endometriosis: Is it a rare phenomenon? By Hale Goksever Celik

Endometriosis, the estrogen-dependent disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal tissue outside the uterine cavity, is generally diagnosed in the reproductive-aged women. However, recent literature proved that this disease can also be observed in the premenopausal and…

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Long-term Pregnancy Results after Surgical Removal of Endometrioma

Long-term Pregnancy Results after Surgical Removal of Endometrioma By Irem Onur

Sun et al., from China, investigated the pregnancy outcomes and the related factors in patients with endometrioma and stage III-IV endometriosis along with a long-term follow-up postoperatively. Their study has recently been published in the journal named "Advances in Therapy".…

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Analysis of childless women with endometriosis

Analysis of childless women with endometriosis By Irem Onur

Facchin F. et al., from Italy studied if the beliefs of childless women regarding motherhood, female identity, and infertility affected their psychological health. They have recently published their study in the Journal of Health Psychology. The data of this study were…

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Further Results From the FEELING Study Published

Further Results From the FEELING Study Published By Özge Özkaya

Some women are more likely to develop deep infiltrating endometriosis according to the further analysis of the results of the FEELING study. These are women who: are married, are older,  have siblings,  have had a prior pregnancy,  or for whom…

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Suffering in Silence

Suffering in Silence By Deniz Kocas

Although quantitative and qualitative studies have established that endometriosis has a negative impact on multiple domains of quality of life, the majority of qualitative studies to date have used focus groups and interviews. These data collection methods may limit disclosure…

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Quality of life for women with endometriosis

Quality of life for women with endometriosis By Irem Onur

Endometriosis symptoms may cause difficulties in daily activities and social life, altering general health and personal relationships and severely decrease the quality of life. Yoldemir T. evaluates the factors affecting the quality of life in endometriosis patients and the management strategies in…

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Endometriosis, Pain and Quality of Life

Endometriosis, Pain and Quality of Life By Deniz Kocas

Although studies show that pain in endometriosis is associated with decreased health-related quality of life (HRQoL), details as to which pain symptoms contribute to such a decline have not been explored. For the first time in this study, researchers from…

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Asian Women at Higher Risk of Endometriosis and Less Likely to Conceive with IVF but not Because of their Endometriosis

Asian Women at Higher Risk of Endometriosis and Less Likely to Conceive with IVF but not Because of their Endometriosis By Özge Özkaya

The rate of endometriosis is higher amongst women of Asian origin confirms a study published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. In addition, pregnancy rates following fertility treatments are lower in this group of women. However, this does…

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